Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Personality and characteristics

Personality and characteristics


During his formative years, Edward was a reckless, albeit brave, individual who was infatuated with the idea of fame and glory. Such was his obsession that he left his first wife to become a privateer in the British Navy, hoping to score his fortune in the Caribbean and prove his worth to his estranged wife. After the Treaty of Utrecht effectively made all privateers redundant, many turned to a life of piracy; Edward among them. He quickly became feared and respected for his skill at the helm of a ship and his combat prowess, with even the renowned Edward Thatch commenting upon his ability.
It was the promise of wealth, power and and infamy that spurred Edward into joining the Order of Assassins; something the Assassins very clearly recognised. Although they knew him to be good at heart, and capable of change, the Assassins were wary of their new brother, who cared only for access to the Brotherhood's weapons and techniques, and nothing for the Creed itself. Indeed, it was these very qualities that drew him to the attention of the Order's sworn enemies, the Templars.

Despite the vested interested of both the Assassins and the Templars in the veteran pirate, Edward remained steadfastly focused on his own goals; power, infamy and proof that he was better than he was born to be. Edward was also one to take any advantage afforded him; twisting the meaning of the Creed to suit his own ends, whilst realising that it promised him the power to make himself better than he was.

As a father, Edward encouraged his son to think for himself instead of believing everything his home-school teachers said. He also expressed pride towards his eight-year old son when Haytham said that he would have offered the thief who tried to mug his mother clemency, instead of acting on the impulse to kill him like Birch had attempted to. Edward could be quite conservative in other respects however, such as his decision to marry off his daughter to Birch, as was the tradition of the day.

Skills and equipment
During his privateering, Edward spent his time repeatedly climbing the vast rigging and masts of his warships, providing him with a deftness equalling that of any Assassin. He also wielded at least four flintlock pistols and two swords on him at a given time, and would make full use of his armaments in battle.
One of Edward's most invaluable pieces of equipment was his ship, Jackdaw. She was equipped with a diving bell that Edward used to dive for treasure beneath the waves; during these maritime explorations, Edward proved to be a strong swimmer who was capable of fending off sharks if he was attacked.

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